Thursday, May 28, 2009

more stuff

Oh, so the "Coach" part below I forgot to mention... I'll be helping run sports (i.e. soccer/futbol) for the kids at Nueva Vera Cruz. So apparently I'll have plentiful access to email and even skype (wow... I can't even videochat at my house... in the USA). So yeah, email, fb, this blog, etc should all be fairly accessible to me. Praise the Lord. So everybody get skype so I can call you! (! 
Also, I'm pretty sure I'm in love with the wild. I heard the call of the wild- and I will respond in kind. Someday, I will be united with my beloved wilderness, but until then, I will cry alongside brother wolf... sad, longing, and able to range hundreds of miles a day... well I'm still workin on that last one. Some day... When POW/MIA ranch becomes a reality...
"The wilderness is God's hull-scraper: It strips us of the barnacles of civilization that slow us, distract us, and divert us in our pursuit of God- and God's pursuit of us" - John Lionberger, author of "Renewal in the Wilderness" , one of the 10 books I'm reading right now. Oh books...
and one about forgiveness...
"Throughout life people will make you mad,
disrespect you, and treat you bad.
Let God deal with the things they do,
Cause hate in your heart will consume you too." ... this from Will Smith of all people. 
Go do something that makes you uncomfortable. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Coach de Cochabambinos

Good news! I'm going to be "stationed" in Southern Cochabamba with the Nueva Vera Cruz chapel in the Santa Vera Cruz parish.
 Other news: This parish speaks mostly Quechua with some Aymara mixed in for good measure.
By the way: I don't speak Quechua or Aymara. But I'm pretty stoked to learn. 
I'm going to be working with an associated escuela de apoyo for 140 of the poorest children of the parish. Most of these kids come from Barrio Rivera and Barrio Costanera apparently.
Not sure about the communication thing yet, but I'm told that there's a plethora of cellphones in Cochabamba, as well as some internet-phone setups, so maybe I'll actually be able to call back to the states? I'll post when I get an address or cofirmation about whether or not internet is gonna happen for me down there...