Thursday, February 12, 2009

Contemplative Confidence

So I hesitate to illuminate, explicate, or otherwise elucidate my current state. But lest ideas of grandeur penetrate and germinate, let me conflagrate em. After much considering, pondering, and pensive, extensive intellections, A general path or cardinal course. I'll explain through this discourse. Reversing departure, again returning, not for the Coast Guard am I yearning with my heart, but with my mind. Let me tell you what I did find: a deep desire within me churning, for a family my heart is burning. So I've thought and considered thus, I must procure a certain trust in myself financially, romantically, being steady as I can, you see. But giving up on the wild I won't, which is why I hold out hope that really won't have to elope, but stay in the service and keep afloat. Which is why, I suppose I should reveal that I want to be a Navy SEAL. or if something goes all afuck, On a big white boat I'll be stuck. But I suppose that's good enough for me. I surely can come to love the sea. So in the interim I'll be serving all of those who're most deserving In America, the southern kind at least that's what I've got in my mind. We'll see where the Big Guy makes me go but I can't tell and I don't know So I turned to leave but stopped to go. and that's from another poem, you know. In other news... I'm on a boat.

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